Sunday, March 15, 2009

Home At Last

It's dawn at the Tin Star and all is well with the world.

I'm glancing out the West window of my office in the new bunkhouse and marveling at the view across the San Gabriel River valley. There is a slight mist rising from the river and it gives the promise of pleasures to come. The trees have a soft edge in the near light and the sky is an ashen gray that blends at the far horizon into the distant hay fields.

I am soothed and massaged by the peaceful silence that lays upon the ranch. Truly early morns at our humble abode will inspire worship and thanksgiving to our Father who blessed us with all that which led us to reside herein.

Our welcoming committee for our move yesterday consisted of nine deer and three turkeys who each inclined their heads slightly as if to nod approval of our permanent presence.

Oh Lord, we thank you from our hearts for the blessing of our land, our new house, and the privilege of living the rest of our days in peace and harmony with the bountiful glory you have so richly provided on the Tin Star Ranch.

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