Thursday, March 19, 2009


Television is both a blessing and a curse. It can either fill your head with mindless crap or be educational depending on your channel selection.

TV provides background noise to drown out silence or other unwanted sound. It feeds your sports addiction, tickles your funny bone, or runs saline down your cheeks with tear jerkers.

My kids have had multiple channels and color for their entire lives. They take for granted that it has always been so. I would like to think that because I remember the days of black and white TV with only one channel to watch, I haven't taken it for granted. Sadly, I think I have.

For the last four months we have been euphemistically "homeless" in that we sold the town house and have been waiting for completion of the Tin Star bunkhouse. The first month with little or no TV was kinda cool. Quiet relaxing evening with no irritating commercials.

Course I missed almost the entire football season (dammit)! And I got bored. Sad to say, but I began to realize that TV played a large role in my life?????

All that to say this. We whupped up some wampum and horse traded for a 52 inch flat screen monster that would put the Turnertown drive-in to shame and today the satellite folks is coming to do an "install".

Not that I am excited, but I have huge banners at the front gate that are festooned with balloons and flashing lights. I have a marching band set to play, a huge Texas bbq catered, and adult beverages for all comers.

Redemption shall be a glorious day for all, but this day will be a distant second in revelation for the ranch hand.

(I wonder if Howdy Doody, Rin Tin Tin, and Sky King is still playing?)

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