Saturday, March 28, 2009

Young Lions

Texas lawmen are required to meet minimum qualifications for firearms proficiency at least one time per calendar year (or forfeit their peace officer license).

The humble ranch hand successfully met that challenge for 39 years. I have never been a pistolero master the like of Uncle Wayne, but I have never embarrassed myself either.

This Thursday I stepped to the firing line for my 40th consecutive year to be tested yet again. Looking up and down the row to my left and right I saw the young lions. Cops in the beginning of their career with sharp eyes, steady hands, and the cocky confidence of relative inexperience. I can only imagine their view as they saw a fat old man with gray receding hair and tri-focal glasses trying to mentally get in the "zone" to concentrate on the center body mass of the opposing paper target.

Bottom line: The smoke cleared and the old law dog managed 97% and held on to his Expert Marksman qualification.

To hell with youth. I kinda like the stage of life I currently occupy!

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