Monday, January 12, 2009

First Born

I always figgered ya only got two choices. You either get older or you get dead. I'm kinda partial to the first choice.

Today I achieved 59 years as Gene and Thelda's first born. This has included the blessing of near six decades of defeats, successes. elation, heartbreak, family, friends, and all manner of "other" folks. I've lived some life , traveled a few miles, and collected enough bull shit stories to qualify as a professional prevaricator.

To mark the occasion of my rapid progression toward dotage, I visited my personal sawbones today (pinched neck nerve). I put some icing on that cake by getting an appointment with my dentist to replace the jaw tooth cap that fell off this weekend. To add insult to injury, my hair is falling out, I'm getting shorter in stature by the minute, and my brain cells are perishing geometrically as CRS (can't remember stuff) ravages my psyche.

Regardless, older suits me just fine as compared to the alternative. (Now if I can just remember why the hell I am typing on this computer and what is a "blog" anyway?)

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