Friday, January 30, 2009


Armadillos are mostly solitary varmits who roam the land alone.

They snuffle along with their snouts to the ground seeking sustenance among the leaves, soil, and accumulated compost.

Where I grew up, most folks thought God invented armadillos so they could have possum on the half shell? Regardless, their virtue is that they are highly disciplined at minding their own business while ignoring the world at large.

All that changed yesterday. The bride and I descended on our beloved Tin Star Ranch and beheld five of the armored critters socializing in a wad. They seemed to be laughing, telling jokes, and generally hurrahing one another as only pals can do?

Naturally, being "caught in the act", them desperadoes promptly stampeded across the winter plains and scattered with hollered promises to reunite at their secret outlaw "hideout".

And now you know why the ranch hand's fairy tales always starts with, "Now this ain't no shit".

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