Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sore Feet and Empty Wallets

Wealth comes in assorted configurations. Some is tangible, some is more ethereal?

Amassing wealth can be as simple as providing something that folks can't (or won't) live without on a daily basis.

Now who would think that digging a large, deep hole in the ground and filling it with a similar size concrete container would accumulate wealth? Especially a container that will inevitably reek internally of foulness while promising future retribution for abuse.

That's right reader, the ole ranchhand just shelled out major moolah for a contractor to provide a septic system (Dad called it a cess pool) for the new bunkhouse. We are talking dig a hole in the ground, drop the tank, run "field" lines out in the pasture and drive home to count the greenbacks?

What the hell, its a semi-modern convenience that will be near to our hearts in time of essential need.

Bottom line: Your foot can't get well with a horse standing on it and no amount of persuasion will convince your bride to covet an outhouse?

Guess I'll just fork that $12,000 over to the hole digger?

1 comment:

Mo said...

What sort of system is it?