Saturday, May 16, 2009

Anal gauge

Ancient Chinese government records show that the Chou dynasty was interested in keeping rainfall measurements over 3,000 years ago. It is also known there are records in India of recording rainfall about 400 B.C.

This ole fat boy lived in Wright City as a yonker, but trust me, rainfall was NOT a concern at the time. What followed was 40 years of living in the city where the water sprinkler kept the lawn from becoming toast.

Now I live in the COUNTRY.

I don't raise hay to feed cattle, don't try to have a green lawn, and don't try to fight the deer over a vegetable garden. In short, why would I care how much rainfall occurs?

Confession time: I went to the local feed store a couple of weeks ago and bought the dee-luxe version rain gauge. This puppy is bout three foot long, three inches diameter, and has numbers that my blind butt can see from a mile away.

Point is, why did I do this? Have I suddenly developed a meteorological affliction? Have I been craving notice of the second Noah's flood? Have I just run outta anything else to do of worthwhile value? Have I simply become anal concerning the environment?

Ain't no joke and ain't no answer here, there is just...... 'scuse me, I gotta go check the gauge cause it's sprinklin' and, well, never mind????????????

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