Sunday, May 24, 2009

Down Amongst Them

Living in the country has the added bonus of a BIG sky.

Absent adjacent buildings and such, one can waltz thru the yard or sit on the porch and marvel at the panoramic blessing of our Lord's own ceiling.

Many are the days that I stare in wonder at the beauty of the clear blue sky or the subtle nuance of ever changing clouds.

The "techno" explanation for the cauliflower beauty of clouds implies that they are simply a visible mass of droplets or frozen crystals floating in the atmosphere above the surface of our earth bound existence. If I wanted to truly bore the crap outta my loyal reader, I might add that clouds are studied in the nephology or cloud physics branch of meteorology. Nah, I'll just go with my gut reaction.

On peaceful days, the clouds make me feel close to those who have "gone down amongst them" (my Dad's expression for the deceased). Don't know why, they just have that effect. I sit on a stump, contemplate the distant ethereal body of fluff, and wonder if my parents are watching.

Other days, like today, the clouds seem angry and brooding as thunder rolls across the horizon.

Then comes the ghostly pace of fog (earth bound clouds) eerily creeping across the landscape with a moist touch on our skin.

Regardless of their mood, clouds are a welcome companion that I seem to appreciate more each day for their beauty, contribution to solemnity, and thought provoking quality.

Thank you my gracious salvation Father for this incredible blessing.

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