Saturday, May 30, 2009


Wright City and the surrounding country is a labyrinth of vegetation.

Towering lob lolly and long leaf pine trees rise to as much as 60 feet and the remaining flora proliferates to the point that a rabbit can't oozle thru it?

It's a beautiful scenery, but there is a drawback. Drive down the road and ya can't see no further than the fence line. Sit on a porch that ain't facing a hay pasture and you just got greenery in your "view".

Growing up in that environment caused the ranch hand to place extreme value on a "view". Casting one's eye to a distant point allows all kind of wonderin' and mind expansion (the Lord knows the ranch hand needs a passle of that last part?).

As I sit in my office and peck on this cyberspacial gizmo, I can look to the west and see (per GPS) nine miles. Yes, there are thousands of oak, cedar elm, and juniper trees in the "view", but I am seeing the tops of the trees.

I sit on the edge of the San Gabriel river valley in Gabriel Mills on a God made paradise. The Williamson County landscape descends to the river bed about one half mile away and then majestically rises to the crest in Burnet County with the water tower at Bertram beckoning its life giving sustenance in the distance.

The "view" is never the same. Depending on the light, sun, clouds, fog, (my mood?), it is an ever changing panorama without comparison. It is a blessing of which I shall never tire.

Thank you, oh Lord and Savior, for this most special rendition at a time in my life when an ole Wright City boy can most appreciate the magnificence.

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