Sunday, May 3, 2009


A movie ain't never had a script the likes of what transitions ever day in nature.

The ranch boasts a feral cat that ain't never belonged to no one and wouldn't have it fer love nor money. It is a scruffy, tough as nails, UGLY, thang that just looks like a rodent's nightmare.

We don't feed it and would be plum scared to "pet" it fer fear of leaving some flesh behind?

Regardless, the ranch hand glanced sidelong out the back window today and spied a jake (yearling male turkey) stalking that dang hell cat from behind. Just afore the fight commenced, the cat sensed said jake on his butt and lit fer the hills???? Who would have thought????

Wasn't no more than an hour later that "Rambo" tom was at the corn feeder enjoying a repast of golden corn kernels. Brother crow decided to join the buffet, but to his chagrin, the testosterone fueled jake continuously "charged"!

Watched this bluff opera fer near thirty times before the jake claimed victory.

Some things are priceless. This rural extravaganza is plum fantastical!

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