Monday, December 29, 2008

Country Roads

I grew up on a country road in Wright City.

Cars come by so seldom on real country roads that you always look up to see who it is? Yeah, ya usually knew the traveler because the community was small and you had lived there all of your life.

The pace of life was slower and expectations were lower. Nothing much ever happened so you didn't look for a daily flurry of activity.

I started life on a country road and then moved on to a maelstrom whirlwind of "stuff" that caused my life to move faster than the world's fastest Indian.

Fortunately, I have found a measure of peace once again on a country road. County Road 208 in Williamson County is a "connector" road. It's sole claim to fame may be that it includes the front gate of the Tin Star Ranch.

It doesn't really go anywhere. It just lets the few scatter souls along its corridor travel to their homes and access the main highway to town. On the weekend, likely a dozen cars will travel the road during the day. During mid-day of Monday thru Friday, the road is an expanse of empty solitude.

I count lucky my chance to spend the remainder of my days living alongside and in grateful harmony with a peaceful country road.

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