Monday, December 22, 2008

The Perfect Storm

Twas the week of Christmas
And all thru the house
Not a creature was stirring

Yeah, my dear mom/law is an American treasure in the wee hours of morn.

I am becoming more like my Dad every day. I'm not sure any of that is positive, but for one thing I wake up and arise long before dawn each day. I like peace, quiet, and stillness for my first hour of absolution. No interruptions, no conversation, and no demands.

Nana hits the floor shortly after me each morning and is near to a Tasmanian devil on crystal meth. Shouting questions (she's deaf as a post), providing me with my orders/instructions/chores for the day, and generally in my face with one BS thing after another.

For the moment, I think she is a treasure of unintentional humor, charity, and family love. I'll have to get back to you on my position in the future. You see, having sold our house in town, we are now living with Nana until our new house is finished.

It is now pre-dawn and Nana is doing what Nana does: caressing my ears with personal attention.

Pray for my tolerance and patience oh loyal reader as I try to weather the perfect storm for a couple of months.

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