Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Deer - 1, ranch hand - 0, AGAIN.

But, what a glorious morning! A golden crescent moon in the sky, stars as bright as heaven, and aliens.

Now before you start the commitment process, hear me out. My ole butt is sitting in the tree stand before daylight this morn and "lights" started eerily wavering thru the woods.

Rubbed my eyes a time or two, slapped upside my head, and still kept seeing them dang lights motivating around.

Most of the lights were a pale yellow. One was a brilliant, almost blue like the fancy LED flashlights? Almost reminded me of East Texas fireflies, but it weren't?

Don't tell anyone about this or I will be spending Christmas eve in a straight jacket?

Ya'll think it was a scouting party of N. Pole elves, or what?

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