Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I went to visit Dad one day and found him sitting on the steps of the front porch. He looked kinda "funny" so I asked what he was doing.

"Waiting to see if I'm gonna die", he said rather matter-of-factly?

Seems that Dad had just gone around to the side of the house and reached down to turn on an outside water faucet. When he brought his hand back, he noticed a copper head snake hanging from his thumb by one fang! Sure 'nuff, Dad had a puncture wound on the side of his thumb.

The story had a good ending as apparently the slithering satan had elected to not envenomate Dad (no doubt Dad's tough hide and questionable taste influenced the decision?)

Question is, how many people do you know who could be bitten by a poisonous snake and just calmly sit down on the porch to see what happens next?

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