Sunday, May 4, 2008


Only bought one new boat in my life. Unfortunately, bought several used (probably another blog ) as they were money pits that wuz cheaper jus' to chunk money into rather than enjoy?

Bout 1989 bought a brand spanking new BassMasters, aluminum, Mercury Horsed, fishin' boat. and was dang proud.

On the maiden voyage, took that sucka to Martin Creek Lake in East Tx and hooked up with Uncle Buddy to do some bass fishing.

Now ya would need to know that Buddy LIVED to bass fish. He would forego food, women, and whatever was next in his priority to just FISH (you know, the Lord, our Savior was a fisher of men, and I at odd times wonder if ole Buddy wasn't an offshoot as he was a gentle soul that no one on earth could ever fault for a negative thought or an unkind word?)(I MISS YOU EVERY DAY BUDDY AND WISH EVER SO MUCH THAT WE COULD SIT, DRINK A COLD BEER, AND JUST BE TOGETHER AGAIN!)

Me and Bud Drawers (as Dad called him) hooked up at Martin Creek Lake and proceeded to "break in" my newest toy (boat). Didn't catch nuthin', but had a totally relaxing, laid back, who cares what the rest of the world is doing, kind of afternoon (UNTIL THE STORM HIT!)

Dang, it come a world bustin', black cloud tornado scarin', end of the world, kind of East Tx storm. Add to that that Buddy's boy, Robert (the only remaining Waller boy to preserve our name as far as I know????) had his wife and "children" on the banks of said lake in a tent. Me and Buddy scooped them kids into the boat, hauled butt to the dock, and took them into our rented (spacious, luxurious) East Tx ragged cabin.

All went well except during the night the Wright City boy's bladder got hyperactive and he went to the "facility" to relieve said pressure.

Mr. Yeller Jacket was on the floor and promptly injected his venom into said W.C. boy's bare foot. Dang, that hurts, even now (and to tell the truth kinda competes with the good memory of that trip).

We survived the "storm", caught no fish, but had one of those experiences that bonds people together during stressful times.

I miss you Buddy and thank you for your sweet soul and kindly nature.


Chaos and Grace said...

Why was I never on that boat? I used to love to go fishing - I'm surprised you were so near at that time and we never went together?

TSRH said...

Your dumbutt dad was afraid that his children would be in danger of drowning and didn't have the common sense to know that it was an opportunity to bond and do some quality time together, forgive me and try to judge from now forward rather than backward in time?