Saturday, August 9, 2008


I ain't never custom built a house for me and mine. Never.

During the last year, my sister-law, brother-law, and mom-law have either occupied or are in the process of building a custom nest.

Me and the bride been "feeding" an architect to make that happen (over $3,000 at last count) and we are so close to startin' that I can smell it!

I'm thinkin' a reasonable goal will be to "break ground" in about 90 days. I am further cogitatin' that we can move in round bout 10 months from now. That's my butt talkin' cuz my brain tells me to add 60 to 90 days to anything the ranch hand prognosticates?

Wow, I can't think of the words to express how incredible it will be to actually live our dream of living full time on the TIN STAR RANCH.

Pretty awesome stuff!

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