Friday, August 8, 2008


Committing personal errors used to grieve me beyond belief.

I would kick my own figurative butt from one side to the other and then do it again.

Aging/maturity ain't all bad.

I think I am finally figgering out that to err is simply human. Those who are a tad smarter than others tend to learn from their SNAFU's. Those that ain't tend to repeat history. I know this is kinda like putting gas in a car I done wrecked, but at least it's an improvement (right?)

I'm at a stage where I'm infinitely more forgiving of myself. I expect to screw up, but I feel it is OK as long as I learn. In other words, I try with all my might to not make the same mistakes twice.

It seems to be working, although some days I feel like I am trying to put a screen on a submarine?

I done figgered out that if I live to be 100, I might eventually have a modicum of common sense, or not?

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