Saturday, August 9, 2008


My mom-in-law was a guest for the last few days. She is a "saint". If she thinks you are in need, and she has the capacity to provide, you will be blessed. Don't matter if you are family, friend, or stranger. Her charity to those in need is only limited by her time and resources.

Did I mention she is a bit "deef". Nother words, she judges my hearing by the level of her hearing (yells a lot). As a bonus, (and to get my attention?) she starts every sentence by yelling, "HEY". I been wantin' to tell her that words that soak into your ears are whispered, not YELLED! Did I mention her "sainthood"?

Did I mention she is obsessed with watching the national news to be instantly alerted to any tragedy? I always figgered that most of the stuff people worry about ain't never gonna happen anyway. I'm startin' to think that she considers the stuff that don't happen as a major disappointment. Did I mention her "sainthood"?

Did I mention she lives in mortal terror of interstate highways? Now I admit fear to snakes, heights, and dry counties, but damn, this "saint" will drive from Austin to North of Dallas and back to Austin to stay on the back roads.

Ever known anyone that obsesses for ice cubes? My personal "saint" wants her tea colder than a witch's titty in a brass bra doin' push-ups in the snow? She will NOT travel ten miles unless she has at least ten pounds of ice cubes in a cooler in the back seat. When she vacates my abode, she "vacates" the tray for my refrigerator ice maker to fill her road cooler for her chosen beverage of the day.

I could go on with this diatribe for the rest of the day, but I'll grant my reader(s?) blessed relief by simply saying, "DON'T JUDGE FOLKS BY THEIR RELATIVES" (meaning ME of course, as I would never be critical of an honest to goodness SAINT).

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