Saturday, August 2, 2008


I hate hosting garage sales.

They are proof that one should never get into an argument with an idjit (idiot). You'll just lower to their level and then get beat with superior experience.

My bride and baby girl cogitated up a whomping size sale for today. After much moaning/groaning from the ranch hand, they provided assurances that I would not be a participant in any way - NOT!!!!

For six hours, yours truly was Mr. Step-N-Fetchit while interfacing at random with the local idjits.

Here's a sample of my day:

1. You take a new looking pair of ostrich cowboy boots and put a $10 price tag on them. Immediately some idjit wants to know if you will take $2.

2. Figger that 80% won't (or chose not to) speak English. Not just talking bout Spanish here. Talking bout folks from India, Pakistan, and wherever (some in their native dress). I appreciated the diversity, but hope they had appreciation for the challenge to commerce. The barter mostly included gestures, grunts, and makin' faces?

3. I'm a sucka for little kids. If they picked up anything and the parent said, "no", I just gave it to the kid free.

4. When it got too hot to tango, we just sacked the remaining up and headed to the local Goodwill Store. That beat filling the trash can.

All in all the venture went OK, but its kinda like a skunk. No matter what you do, it still stinks in my book?

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