Monday, August 18, 2008


I been saddled with a number of monikers in my life, but jury foreman ain't been one of them - until today.

Yeah, I been ordered to jury duty a number of times in my life, but lawyers lettin' cops on juries is about as rare as a rockin' horse turd? Something about how we ignore the BS and judge the case according to the facts I'm thinking?

When I got my latest jury summons, I figgered it wouldn't amount to much more than a wasted day and the hassle of parking in downtown Austin.

I was wrong. I was selected for the jury and my fellow panelists elected me foreman faster than a chicken can peck a june bug.

After due deliberation, we found the defendant guilty in less than one minute.

Maybe the dang lawyers was right about me, but I confess to enjoying performing my civic duty today (and adjudicating the maximum penalty for that guilty SOB) .

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