Sunday, August 17, 2008


Deer hunting implies deer killing. Although that is often the outcome, deer hunting is so much more.

Today my friend and I went to the ranch. We tuned up the automatic deer feeders and loaded them with 200 pounds of corn (it will take about 400 pounds more to fill them). We discussed strategy for the coming deer season and we talked about additional protein sources for the deer.

My friend's 13 year old son was with us. He is ever eager, full of questions, and all boy. Seeing the preparation process through his eyes make the experience that much more interesting.

Later we shot several guns at targets before retiring to the local mexican food restaurant for lunch.

As the season nears over the next two months, we will no doubt continue to do things related to hunting that do not put venison on the table. However, it is all part of the process and is really what hunting has become for me. It is about the process more than the final result.

Relaxing, fun times, that make a day well spent and pleasurable.

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